Wednesday, October 17, 2012

coach Stay On Top Of New York Fashion With Satellite Tv_13555

Walking down the streets of Manhattan can sometimes feel like stomping down the catwalk whether you were prepared for it or not. Even if you don抰 expect to be judged on what you抮e wearing as you leave the house in the morning, you inevitably will be eyed down by all of the fashion mavens trawling the crowded avenues. If you抮e not naturally inclined to pick up on the newest fashion trends, you could benefit from the fashion programming offered by satellite TV.

Satellite TV is home to a number of programs that can help the fashionista of any level, whether they be mavens in the making or no style novices. The best way to remain at the height of fashion is with a subscription to Fashion TV. This one of a kind network is one of the most popular satellite TV stations and is the only one to deliver 24/7 programming on fashion, style and beauty. Based out of the fashion capital of the world Paris, France, watching this channel daily will surely do wonders for your fashion sense. Not only will you be up to date on fashion trends occurring around the world, but you will also be able to impress your friends with your new knowledge of international designers.

Even if you aren抰 interested in being the star of the imaginary street side catwalk, your wardrobe still might be able to use a refresher so as not to stand out in the negative sense. Outdated and unbecoming clothes can be just as noticeable as flashy fashion-forward ones. To at least blend in with the crowd, you might be able to use a tip or two from the TLC program What Not to Wear. Based on the British television show by the same title, American hosts Stacy London and Clinton Kelly revamp even the most tired and unflattering wardrobes, ranging from 80抯 spandex to oversized sweat suits. Before your concerned family and friends report your crimes of fashion to Stacy and Clinton and embarrass you on satellite television, it would serve you well to learn a few pointers. On the bright side, however, if you do end up making an appearance on the show you will be $5,000 worth of a new wardrobe richer along with a sassy new look from hairdresser Ted Gibson and make-up tips by Carmindy.

Bravo hosts another similar program called Tim Gunn抯 Guide to Style. This makeover show utilizes computer technology to show the poor fashion victim what they will look like after they emerge recovered from fashion rehab. Project Runway抯 Tim Gunn co-hosts this program alongside model Gretta Monahan to set their guests on the road to recovery. Instead of the $5,000 spending limit, guests on this show are instead asked to purchase ?0 essential items?according to the guidelines set by Gunn and Monahan. In the end, their purchases are critiqued by the hosts and finally the guests are reunited with their family and friends.


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