Wednesday, November 21, 2012

  He'll turn up all right

  He'll turn up all right, and come stalking in some day with agold-mine in one pocket and a prairie in the other, as jolly as agrig,' said Ted, who was in no haste to deliver Octoo to her rightfulowner.

  'Perhaps he has gone to Montana and given up the farm plan. He seemedto like Indians best, I thought'; and Rob went to help his motherwith her pile of letters and his cheerful suggestions.

  'I hope so, it would suit him best. But I am sure he would have toldus his change of plan and sent for some money to work with. No,ladies rolex datejusts, Ifeel in my prophetic bones that something is wrong,' said Mrs Jo,looking as solemn as Fate in a breakfast-cap.

  'Then we shall hear; ill news always travels fast. Don't borrowtrouble, Jo,cheap jeremy scott adidas, but hear how well Nat is getting on. I'd no idea the boywould care for anything but music. My good friend Baumgarten haslaunched him well, and it will do him good if he lose not his head. Agood lad, but new to the world, and Leipzig is full of snares for theunwary. Gott be with him!'

  The Professor read Nat's enthusiastic account of certain literary andmusical parties he had been to, the splendours of the opera, thekindness of his new friends, the delight of studying under such amaster as Bergmann, his hopes of rapid gain, and his great gratitudeto those who had opened this enchanted world to him.

  'That, now, is satisfactory and comfortable. I felt that Nat hadunsuspected power in him before he went away; he was so manly andfull of excellent plans,' said Mrs Jo, in a satisfied tone.

  'We shall see. He will doubtless get his lesson and be the better forit. That comes to us all in our young days,fake uggs boots. I hope it will not be toohard for our good Jungling,' answered the Professor, with a wisesmile, remembering his own student life in Germany.

  He was right; and Nat was already getting his lesson in life with arapidity which would have astonished his friends at home. Themanliness over which Mrs Jo rejoiced was developing in unexpectedways, and quiet Nat had plunged into the more harmless dissipationsof the gay city with all the ardour of an inexperienced youth takinghis first sip of pleasure,ladies rolex presidents. The entire freedom and sense ofindependence was delicious, for many benefits began to burden him,and he longed to stand on his own legs and make his own way. No oneknew his past here; and with a well-stocked wardrobe, a handsome sumat his banker's, and the best teacher in Leipzig, he made his debutas a musical young gentleman, presented by the much-respectedProfessor Bhaer and the wealthy Mr Laurence, who had many friendsglad to throw open their houses to his protege. Thanks to theseintroductions, his fluent German, modest manners, and undeniabletalent, the stranger was cordially welcomed, and launched at onceinto a circle which many an ambitious young man strove in vain toenter.

  All this rather turned Nat's head; and as he sat in the brilliantopera-house, chatted among the ladies at some select coffee-party, orwhisked an eminent professor's amiable daughter down the room, tryingto imagine she was Daisy, he often asked himself if this gay fellowcould be the poor homeless little Street musician who once stoodwaiting in the rain at the gates of Plumfield. His heart was true,his impulses good, and his ambitions high; but the weak side of hisnature came uppermost here; vanity led him astray, pleasureintoxicated him, and for a time he forgot everything but the delightsof this new and charming life. Without meaning to deceive, he allowedpeople to imagine him a youth of good family and prospects; heboasted a little of Mr Laurie's wealth and influence, of ProfessorBhaer's eminence, and the flourishing college at which he himself hadbeen educated. Mrs Jo was introduced to the sentimental Frauleins whoread her books, and the charms and virtues of his own dear Madchenconfided to sympathetic mammas. All these boyish boastings andinnocent vanities were duly circulated among the gossips, and hisimportance much increased thereby, to his surprise and gratification,as well as some shame.

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